Herbo Nutra
trusted seller
Organic-Natural (4%) Beta Carotene From Annatto Extract

Organic-Natural (4%) Beta Carotene From Annatto Extract

1200 INR/Kilograms

Product Details:


Organic-Natural (4%) Beta Carotene From Annatto Extract Price And Quantity

  • 1 Kilograms
  • 1200 INR/Kilograms

Product Description

Annatto has been identified as carotenoids that have antioxidative effects

 It is the yelloworange pigment that gives vegetables and fruits their rich colors

 H Wachenroder crystallized beta carotene from carrot roots in 1831 and came up with the name carotene

The human body converts beta carotene into vitamin A retinol  beta carotene is a precursor of vitamin A We need vitamin A for healthy skin and mucus membranes our immune system and good eye health and vision

Several studies have shown that antioxidants through diet help peoples immune systems protect against free radicals and lower the risk of developing cancer and heart disease

 100 Certified Organic and All Natural Annatto seed extract standardized for 4 Organic and All Natural plant based Beta Carotene

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